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If you follow me on Pinterest, you know I have a slight wreath obsession.

The problem with pinning is that I pin and pin and I never actually follow through on any of my pinspirations. Thankfully, there are people like Kate who reminded me of the Fall installment of Young House Love’s Pinterest Challenge. Oh JOY!

Of course I missed the deadline, but it’s cool to be fashionably late, right? So, this weekend I decided to STOP PINNING and START DOING when it comes to my unhealthy obsession with wreaths.

Here was my pinspiration photo:

After a quick trip to Joann, I returned with a wreath form, and Excelsior moss, natural filler, and some paddle wire. My bestie Deanna provided the glue gun. Rufus supervised.

The basic premise of making this kind of wreath is just to stretch out the moss and glue with wild abandon. As you stretch and glue, your wreath will start to look like this…

Once the moss was on just the way I liked it, I attached the natural filler, which basically looks like Safflower or Craspedia, with the paddle wire.

To attach them, I strung the paddle wire through the middle of about 4-5 at a time, then bent and arranged them how I liked it. Once they were exactly how I wanted them, I hot glued them into place. By the end, it looked like this…

This is how it looked on the door…

What do you think? The total cost for this project was about $8 (with a coupon) so I am pretty psyched! I am linking this up to Young House Love and Bower Power, where you can see all the other awesome Pinterest Challenge submissions!

* To follow me on Pinterest, click here! Fair warning, Pinterest is addictive. *

Remember when our mantle looked like this?

I have hated our mantle since we moved in. It was thin and weirdly rounded on the edges and I hate hate hated it! Daniel is awesome and understood my hatred and made. me. a. new. mantle. Yup.

Isn’t Daniel awesome?! He didn’t even tell me he was working on the mantle – he just built it and installed it one day. I know ladies…but back off…he’s all mine! Let’s just check out some more angles on this mantle…

I love how much room the mantle has now – it’s about an inch wider than before, much brighter with a high gloss white coat of paint, and it looks so much nicer! I love how I finally have room to showcase my Memory Vase and favorite books.

Pretty much the best. mantle. ever.

Happy Friday everyone!

Young House Love (and several other big time DIY bloggers) issued a challenge to their readers to take something that inspires them from Pintrest and ‘do your own spin on something you pin.’

While I already featured this project for my guest post on Twenty-Six to Life, I wanted to feature it on our blog as well for this challenge since it was completely inspired from one of my pins….annnnnd, I didn’t have time to do something from scratch. So bear with me here…

So, I started with this reclaimed wood headboard as my “pinspiration.”

With that as a starting point, Daniel and I created our own reclaimed wood sign for the mantle…

It’s quite a bit different from our ‘pinspiration’ but we wouldn’t have even thought to do it had we not pinned it.

You can read our “how-to” for this project on our guest post with Twenty-Six to Life.

Hope you like our submission for the 2011 Pintrest Challenge! Please feel free to follow me on Pintrest!

Image of “Love Reclaimed Wood Headboard” from House*Tweaking via Pintrest.

Those of you who know me know that I have a pretty big obsession with Portland, Oregon. I really want to live there someday and convinced Daniel to celebrate our three year anniversary there in a few months.

So I was excited when the show Portlandia premiered a few months ago. It is a sketch comedy show that pokes fun at some of the stereotypes of people who live in Portland.

It is really funny…especially this sketch:

Putting birds on things is a pretty popular trend right now…Kasey posted it about it a couple weeks ago and then on Friday I saw this post from Copy Cat Chic.

$29.95 for a sweater blanket?! Um, yes please!


image via


So over my lunch break I ran over to Tuesday Morning to grab one of the black blankets for myself. Once I got it home, I put it in it’s new home in the living room. What do you think?

It’s reversible! It’s warm! It’s adorable!

It kinda makes me want to have a baby so I can use it as inspiration for a baby room…but not enough to actually go through with the whole having-a-baby thing.


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