As I shared on Monday, Carolina (now called Lucy) made it out of the shelter, just hours before she was scheduled to be euthanized due to overcrowding, and into the loving arms of my neighbors, who are first-time foster parents. The look on her face in the car after she was busted out of the shelter shows just how happy she was to be saved…

Jeremy and Elise (my neighbors) opened up their home to Lucy and quickly went about the business of making her a part of their family. They bought her a new collar (I’ve yet to slip a Sirius Republic business card their way – maybe today?), gave her a bath to get the shelter smells off her and soothe her itchy skin, and gave her a big rope toy to play with.

I peered over the fence the day after Lucy came to live with them and was delighted to see Lucy romping around with her foster sister, Nipsy the Elderbelle, and foster brother, Spaz the Chihuahua.

Lucy tries really hard to keep up with Nipsy during games of catch, but Nipsy beats her every time!

You can already see the stress of her shelter life fading away – her skin is looking better each day!

Now that Lucy is settled in with her foster family, she can focus on the important things in life…like exploring the backyard…

Getting treats from Foster Mom…

and just being cute…

Life is pretty good when your name is Lucy!